Friday, August 17, 2007

The verdict is in! Victor gets Nikki straight! Brad leaks info to the Assistant DA!

Today (August 16, 2007) in Genoa City…

Phyllis is found guilty as charged. Michael pops up and asks the judge if the red head can stay out on bail until the sentencing and the Judge agrees. Phyllis is stunned about the verdict. She can’t believe her gamble didn’t pay off. Well, one would think with a video tape of you doing the deed it would have been smart to take the deal. Phyllis lashes out at Sharon who finally gets her told and tells Phyllis she got what she deserved. Jack can’t believe she was found guilty – I don’t know why…other than his secret continuing love for the feisty red head. Phyllis, Nick and her kids spend time together at home. Nick assures Phyllis that he will be there for her and the kids if she goes up the river. Michael files for an appeal and hopes Phyllis gets probation only or possible tack house arrest. Well, Brad, the unofficial city crier, may have just ruined this probation hope. He ran to see the assistant DA to tell her Phyllis tried to skip town before the verdict was read. Phyllis thanks you Brad! and Brad wonders why he is alone...hummm

Neil, Lilly & Davon:
They think about Dru and how she died. Davon is upset that Phyllis is out on bail. He thinks she should be locked up for as long as possible since she will never be charged with Dru’s death. The family agreed to move on and make today their New Year. Lilly goes to Gina’s to get some food and runs into Daniel. She returns to Neil’s apparently upset that she saw him. Well, Lilly you should have gone somewhere else to get food seeing as how Daniel’s Aunt Gina owns the joint.

Victor & Nikki:
Victor blames Nikki for sending her granddaughter’s mother, Phyllis, to jail because she made Brad file the complaint with the police. Brilliant Nikki, of course, doesn’t see it that way. She thinks that Phyllis got what she deserved. Nikki may not have learned much about business from Victor but she sure did learn the art of how to stick it to your family without any remorse.

Tomorrow’s grapevine: Did Brad ruin Phyllis’ chances for getting probation? Will Michael get another shot at getting Phyllis off the hook? Will Jack get a moment alone with Phyllis before she picks out her stripes? Can Brad ever mind his own business?

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